ASPECT British School, LINE 2 branch

The LINE 2 branch of ASPECT British School is situated in the historical part of Saint Petersburg, in the very heart of Vasilievsky Island. Long-term cooperation with ‘Saint Petersburg State Cultural Gymnasium’ has allowed us to create a unique educational project that provides high-quality subject mastery according to Federal State Educational Standards (FGOS) and ‘British standards’ programmes.

For English classes, students from 7 to 18 years old are divided into groups of up to 9 people each. In addition to English classes in the main academic program, the school provides a number of subjects in English as part of the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).

The varied entertainment program of the LINE 2 branch includes regular field trips and stage performances in English.

For the purpose of international cooperation, students of the LINE 2 branch visit various countries (Great Britain, Czech Republic, China, Italy, etc.).


Years of successful work


Foreign and bilingual teachers


Average exam score in Unified State exam


Academic competition medalists

LINE 2 infrastructure

The work of our teaching staff is focused on creating comfortable, cozy and positive emotional climate for students. We pay special attention to teaching aids supply in order to provide high quility educational process. The necessary facilities are constantly being modernized and updated to encourage children’s creativity and intellectual work.

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Academic programme

Students of ASPECT British school study according to two programmes at the same time. In the morning, the core academic programme is delivered, which reflects the strategy a state school in Russia. In the afternoon, children study in accordance with ‘British standards’, the additional academic programme for learning English.

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Ivan Ananchenko Head of LINE 2 branch

Nowadays school should provide not only subject knowledge, but also opportunities to help shape up a competitive personality.

The academic programme of our school successfully combines the Russian programme and British standards, helping students to achieve their goals.

Kseniia Pichugina Head of LINE 2 branch

Our academic programmes successfully combine both current trends in Russian and international education and our students’ and their parents’ expectations. We understand that it is necessary to create an atmosphere where students have a desire to go to school, achieve their goals and be mindful about educational process.

Our staff

Highly qualified and experienced teachers from Russia, the UK, the USA and other English-speaking countries give children the opportunity to learn with pleasure, making their life at ASPECT bright and eventful!

Terms of admission

If you want your children to get the best education and study in a private English school, it is not necessary to send them abroad. Children may get the best education at ASPECT British School.

The LINE 2 branch accepts children from 1 to 11 form students.

Steps to follow when applying for the LINE 2 branch:


Make an appointment with the head of the department. The child's presence at the first meeting is optional.


Take an assessment with the specialists and teachers. Sign the contract, get the assessment report from the speacialists, and undertake a consultation on document proceeding.


Fill out the application form and the entry questionnaire «Child personal data» (in the office of the branch), provide documents for registration.


Sign the educational services agreement.


Visit the medical centre and get the doctor's permission note.


Your child is an ASPECT student!

Each child is a person
with the potential to succeed.