Nalichnaya branch programme of Study

Nalichnaya branch programme of Study

Programme of Study

ASPECT British Kindergarten — is a school for little ones that places great emphasis on its programmes of study.

  • All programmes of study are adapted to the Russian culture.
  • The lessons are conducted in mini-groups of 6-7children.

‘The Path to Success’, our core bilingual pre-school programme of study, is designed for 5 years and prepares the child for further education both in Russia and abroad because after graduating from our kindergarten children will be able to master any further programme of study regardless of its difficulty. Our programmes not only contribute to the cognitive development of the child but also increase their motivation for further study. ASPECT British Kindergarten teachers can turn any challenging task into an engaging adventure to prove that learning is fun.

ASPECT British Kindergarten provides an opportunity for the child to also follow the additional ‘British Standards’ English language programme of study.

The process of teaching and upbringing at ASPECT British Kindergarten is based on the rules and principles popular in Great Britain. These are our Golden Rules. They are followed in practically all British schools.

Traditional Golden Rules help young children to learn to respect themselves and the people around them, to pay attention to the teacher, to react appropriately to the teacher’s comments. Adhering to the Golden Rules develops a balanced personality and teaches discipline therefore it trains young children to cope with the future school workload without going through a challenging adaptation stage.

Area of learning Number of lessons per week/year
Junior I (age 3-4) Junior II (age 4-5) Senior I (age 5-6) Senior II (age 6-7)
1. Cognitive Development
World Around Us (in Russian) 1/36 1/36 1/36 1/36
World Around Us (in English) * 1/36 1/36
Maths (in Russian) 1/36 1/36 1/36 1/36
Maths (in English) 1/36 1/36
Sensory Development and Motor skills 1/36
History of St Petersburg 1/32 1/32
2. Language Development
Russian 1/36 1/36 1/36 1/36
Russian Literacy 1/36 2/72
Pre-writing Skills 1/36
3. Expressive Arts
Arts and Crafts 2/72 2/72 2/72 2/72
Construction 1/36 1/36
Music 2/72 2/72 2/72 2/72
4. Physical Development
Physical Education (in Russian) 2/36 1/36 1/36 1/36
Physical Education (outside) (in English) 1/36 1/36 1/36 1/36
Swimming 1/36 1/36 1/36
5. Communication and social development
Daily, teacher-children collaborative activities, during daily routine, in collaboration with children’s families
Total: 11/396 12/432 15/536 15/572
Learning activities throughout the daily routine
Personal, social and health education 1/36 1/36 1/36 1/36
Children’s rights 1 1
Sensory Development 1/36
Etiquette 1/36 1/36 1/36 1/36
Russian Literature 1/36 1/36 1/36 1/36
Collaborative activities throughout the day
Circle (in Russian and in English) daily daily daily daily
Morning keep fit routine daily daily daily daily
Afternoon keep fit routine daily daily daily daily
Hygienic routine daily daily daily daily
Talks during daily routine as required daily daily daily daily
‘Helper’ routine daily daily daily daily
Outside playtime daily daily daily daily
Independent play
Structured playtime daily daily daily daily
Playtime daily daily daily daily
Individual work
Speech Therapy 2/72 2/72 2/72 2/72
Playtime, discussions, talks (in Russian and in English) daily daily daily daily

Wellness Schedule

  September October November December January February March April May June
1 Regimen + + + + + + + + + +
2 Individual diet selection + + + + + + + + + +
3 Outside playtime + + + + + + + + + +
4 Air baths + + + + + + + + + +
5 Bare feet walk + + + + + + + + + +
6 Keep fit exercise + + + + + + + + + +
7 Swimming + + + + + + + + + +
9 General Physical Education + + + + + + + + + +
10 Target Physical Education + + + + + + + + + +
11 Foot massage + + + + + + + + + +
12 After-naptime Gymnastics + + + + + + + + + +
13 Active rhyme-times + + + + + + + + + +
14 Specialist Examination           +      
15 Quartz lamp air sterilization + + + + + + + + + +
16 Psychological counselling + + + + + + + + + +
17 Water filtering + + + + + + + + + +
18 Vitamin C enriched lunchtime drink + + + + + + + + + +
19 Coating nasal passages with oxoline ointment       + +        
20 Adding garlic to soups     + + + +      
21 Multivitamin supplements             +    

Culture programme and celebrations

1st September Day of Knowledge (RU), ASPECT Charity Event
5th November Guy Fawkes (UK)
11th November Remembrance Day (UK)
4th Thursday in November Thanksgiving Day (US)
The last Sunday of November Mother’s Day
25th December Christmas Day (US/UK), New Year Concerts
27th January The Lifting of the Leningrad Siege (RU)
2nd February Groundhog Day (US)
14th February St. Valentine’s Day
23rd February Defenders of the Fatherland Day (RU), Sports Celebrations
8th March International Women’s Day, Pancake Day / Shrove Tuesday
17th March St. Patrick’s Day
1st April Day of Laughter (RU), Easter
22nd April Earth Day
23rd April World Book Day
9th May Victory Day (RU), Assembly
27th May St Petersburg City Day
31st May ASPECT Birthday
1st June International Children’s Day / Sports Day
12th June Day of Russia

The core values

  • Our pupils’ positive attitude, their motivation, and willingness to learn when they come to school.
  • An innovative and creative approach to education based on excellent programmes and method, delivered by highly qualified teachers.
  • A positive and safe environment with acceptance of diverse nationalities and religions as a fundamental pillar.
  • A respectful attitude towards one’s own, others’, and the school’s property.
  • The ability to work as and in a team, help, and support each other.
  • Respectful attitudes toward oneself and others. Freedom of one person ends where another person’s limitations start.
  • Charity as a foundational pillar of our community.
  • Adopting a holistic approach to every child’s development.
  • We foster creative thinking and problem solving.
  • We immerse and engage pupils in Russian and European cultural life and values.

The traditions

  1. Circle.
  2. Relaxation time during classes and at break time.
  3. Following the etiquette rules during meals in the café.
  4. English music during breaks.
  5. Culture programme to introduce celebrations and traditions of both the English-speaking countries and Russia.
  6. Friendship and mutual help between pupils combined with positive competition in class.
  7. 31st May – ASPECT Birthday.
  8. Christmas Performance and Women’s Day Performance.
  9. School uniform in traditional colours of ASPECT: red, grey, black.
  10. British theatre for our pupils’ self-expression.
  11. .Travelling to English speaking countries.
  12. Summer programmes with international teachers from ASPECT based in camps in Russia, The Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Sweden, Finland, and Great Britain.
  13. .Holding contests and academic competitions.
  14. Project activities.
  15. Talks with interesting people.
  16. Thematic talks.
  17. Community of parents – like-minded people and helpers supporting our pupils’ success.
  18. End of year School Assembly.

Golden Rules

Three Tenets

  • Safety
  • Respect
  • Responsibility

Specifics and Expectations


Being safe

  • is walking to your destination
  • is thinking before acting on impulse


Being respectful means

  • showing respect by listening to teachers and others directions
  • being kind and considerate to yourself and others
  • taking care of school property and materials
  • keeping the classroom and school tidy


Take the responsibility

  • for your own learning by working in class and doing your homework
  • for your actions by keeping your hands, feet, and belongings to yourself
  • for your own belongings by keeping your locker and desk tidy