ASPECT British Kindergarten, NALICHNAYA branch

NALICHNAYA branch is located in a pristine area of Saint-Petersburg close to the Gulf of Finland, on the territory of Vasilievsky Island. Beautiful green outdoor private area is surrounded by a fence and equipped with cameras. Entrance to the kindergarten is strictly by individual electronic keys and the building is always under the twenty-four-hour supervision of our own security service. We are fully responsible for the life, safety and health of children. The academic year at NALICHNAYA branch lasts 10 months, from September 1 to June 30.

The NALICHNAYA branch has 10 groups. They all differ in colour (Blue, Orange, White, Purple, etc.) and the age of the children. Every year, children move into the next age group. Each group is under the care of 3 teachers and their assistant. All of them are professional teachers who have a great experience working with children. One or two of the teachers are foreign teachers.

In ASPECT British Kindergarten provides all necessary facilities for the well-rounded development of the children: Arts and Crafts studio, music studio, gym, mini-swimming pool, psychologists' and speech therapists' offices.


Years of successful work


Foreign and bilingual teachers


Talented children


Academic programmes

Outdoor area with British atmosphere

Outdoor area of ASPECT British Kindergarten is under 24hour surveillance and is equipped with cameras. The area is also divided into 10 playgrounds. There are two sports fields with a special nonslip coating and a roof for outdoor activities in all weather conditions. During warm seasons, children can walk in the British garden, do easel-painting and look after the plants in the mini-garden.


Academic programme

'The Path to Success', our core academic preschool programme takes into account the latest FGOS (Federal State Educational Standards) requirements, is delivered in Russian and ENglish, and prepares the children for further education both in Russia and abroad.

View the programme


Yulia Buharova Head of NALICHNAYA branch

Kindergarten is about first social experience, first friends and teachers, first ups and downs and first graduation ball. It is here and now that the basis of the child's future personality is laid. It only depends on us whether our children will be successful, appealing to themselves and others, be happy and persistent. Our students' parents are like-minded people. I think this is why young ASPECT British Kindergarten graduates at times differ from their peers in their curiosity, respect to themselves and others and their openness.

Our staff

Teachers of ASPECT British Kindergarten make an excellent international team of experts. They have a lot of experience working with children and regularly continue their prefessional development.

We respect the unique world of childhood and believe that every child has a huge potential for future success. Children regard us as respected teachers, but not authoritarian mentors.

Terms of admission

'The Path to Success', our core bilingual programme of study is designed for 5 academic years. The programme sets clear targets for every age group, providing an opportunity for new children to join the groups every year. This allows children to begin to study from any academic year without significant loss in the planned learning outcomes.

ASPECT British Kindergarten accepts children from 1.5 to 6 years old.

Steps to follow when applying for the NALICHNAYA branch:


Make an appointment with the head of the department. The child's presence at the first meeting is optional.


Take an assessment with the specialists and teachers. Sign the contract, get the assessment report from the speacialists, and undertake a consultation on document proceeding.


Fill out the application form and the entry questionnaire «Child personal data» (in the office of the branch), provide documents for registration.


Sign the educational services agreement.


Visit the medical centre and get the doctor's permission note.


Your child is an ASPECT student!

Each child is a person
with the potential to succeed.