What a great way to learn!

It hasn’t always been the case Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) subjects in English were readily available, in St. Petersburg. ILA ASPECT has been one of the leading local companies in developing a curriculum to satisfy pupils, who see themselves working in a multilingual and English focused business environment in future.

These are the CLIL subjects ASPECT offer at LINE2 and KADETSKAYA branchs:

  • Creative Writing
  • Country Studies
  • Home Technology
  • Science
  • World Geography

Creative Writing is especially important not only for exam purposes, but also writing used for specific purposes. In business, appropriate context and communication are essential. Think about something as simple as this, which causes so much confusion in business: ‘This report is needed before Friday 13.’ different from ‘This report is needed by Friday 13.’

The second option gives you an extra 24 hours to complete the task. Of course, a report differs significantly from a formal letter or memo. Jeff Bezos introduced a writing culture at Amazon and places a premium on effective written communication. He once compared mastering a handstand, without the use of a wall, to writing. His point being you have to do it every day for months if you want to improve and finally succeed at it.

Country Studies is really a great way to learn about different cultures and this can help pupils set up ideas about places in which they are especially interested, from a young age.

World Geography expands on the idea, that wherever we are in the world it can seem familiar to us, if we have essential information about the environment and culture. The course which has been developed over a number of years incorporates the continual geographical and regional changes, such as population and environmental factors.

Home Technology is an evolving subject, which includes practical topics developed by teachers. Native speakers are bringing practical skills they can share with pupils. This course offers an opportunity to take a break from academic work and develop motor skills: speech and sensory co-ordination.

The Science course provides pupils with a foundation covering the three major science disciplines, that is biology, chemistry and physics. Since some of the terms are Latin and others are generic, learners can quickly establish themselves on the course. Both practical and theoretical work is undertaken.  

Generally speaking, these subjects provide a broad insight into a subject vocabulary set, a way of approach and the idea of looking at this subject from another angle.

Thomas de Laubenque

ASPECT English Teacher

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