“Ms. I, will we be using Mr. G today?”

Primary Schools in Russia, which house children aged 7-11 (Grades 1-4), are a child’s first introduction to a formal education. It is the first stepping stone into providing a solid foundation for a child’s future learning. When parents choose the right school for their child, they will look into a school’s reputation, especially if it offers a foreign language. Among other key factors that help make this decision, there are a few that stand out: What textbooks does the school use? What curriculum does it follow? What is the quality of the teaching staff?

All of ASPECT’s Primary Schools (NALICHNAYA, MORSKAYA, LINE 2, KADETSKAYA and KRESTOVSKY) follow the same curriculum which utilize textbooks from leading UK publishers such as Oxford Press and Cambridge University Press which are recognized worldwide. Our highly qualified teaching staff from the UK, US and other countries of the English-speaking world bring their personal experiences and help create a positive learning environment in the classroom. They are passionate about what they do and strive to inspire learners to explore the English language.

English Adventures with Mr. G, a series of textbooks  designed and published by ASPECT British School, would serve as a perfect example of such dedicated attitude and collaboration. It is a set of two textbooks which are used at the first and second grade levels of communicative English classes. They are used at all of the ASPECT British School branches.

The idea of Mr. G originated back in 2017, when three teachers, Karlo Ghokasian, Sydney Peck and Heidi Reinsch, discovered how challenging and time-consuming it was to find appropriate activities that fit the given curriculum and age group. The three of them created a collection of engaging activities with appealing illustrations and catchy poems which now are presented in the books. These activities allow students to have fun in the classroom while continuing to use the English language. The main goal of these two textbooks was to focus the students’ attention on the outcome of the task, rather than on the language they were required to produce.

At the primary level it is crucial to engage the children in learning the material at hand. I, myself, have had the pleasure of using this resource in the classroom with the first and second graders. It has been my experience, that Mr. G allows students to practice the language without having to worry about the mistakes they make along the way. During the activities, they are not as focused on producing the correct sentence structures and hence can speak more freely on topics that are closer to their interests. Not a week goes by where I don’t hear the infamous question at the start of every lesson, “Ms. I, will we be using Mr. G today?” I believe that the unique illustrations and the variety of activities that the textbook offers have caught the children’s attention. From the curriculum standpoint, Mr. G allows me to hone in further on the vocabulary that needs to be covered during a given lesson without using the traditional drill and kill method. The textbook is set up in a way that encourages the students to reproduce the language that has been introduced to them. The first book is aimed at learners who have had some experience with the language, but can be easily accommodated to fit learners who are just beginning their journey. The level two book, specifically helps teachers prepare their students for the YLE Starters exam that the students are expected to take at the end of the academic year.

When inquiring about the textbooks among the staff, Mr. G generally brought back positive feedback because the topics in the book are directly tied into the main framework of the coursebook. It is mentioned that it allows learners to have an opportunity to further practice their language. Mr. G serves as a great homework task to give students, because it allows them to use their creativity and then come back to class and share their ideas in the target language. Overall, the textbooks have proven to be an effective learning device in the classroom appreciated by both students and teachers alike.

Elena Ishutina
ASPECT English Teacher

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