Excellence of school planning and programmes: KRESTOVSKY branch

The path to success employed by ASPECT, KRESTOVSKY. Excellence of school planning and programmes ensures a high-quality education for graduates.

The concept of ASPECT’s educational process at KRESTOVSKY is structured around the idea of a bilingual education where the children are immersed in both a Russian and an English programme. Both of these programmes have their separate requirements which demand a high degree of participation by the student for them to succeed.

The dual programme presents a challenge for a child, but we at ASPECT believe that with the skilled teachers in both the Russian and British programmes, who provide attention to each student and strive to ensure that no one is left behind, that everyone can benefit from this approach. In this manner they receive knowledge in two languages.

In order to facilitate the learning in the British programme, a CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) approach is utilized and is an essential element of the ‘British Standards’ programme.  This has proved to be a most effective tool when language and subject content are taught side by side. By utilizing this method, students acquire knowledge of a subject and better their English language skills at one and the same time.

Besides having “standard” lessons in English, the students in our school have CLIL lessons in Maths, Science, Home Technology and Arts and Crafts. Starting from the third grade, classes in History, Geography, Information Technology and Home Reading are added. This wide array of lessons provides the student with a broad foundation in a multitude of subjects. This gives the student a well-rounded education and helps prepare them for their future, both at home and abroad.

Some particular skills are most helpful to the student in order to succeed in the different subjects, namely reading, mathematics, listening comprehension and oral communication skills. Reading is fundamental in the acquisition of any language, whether it be one’s first, second or third language. It enriches the student’s vocabulary, promotes understanding and stimulates the imagination.

The development of one’s maths skills provides the student with a critical educational component in today’s world. Maths is a necessity to succeed in many contemporary professions. At KRESTOVSKY branch, maths is provided in two languages, which promotes not only critical thinking skills but expands the understanding of English as well. 

A third useful skill that enables the student to succeed in our academic programmes is the development of one’s listening comprehension. This much overlooked skill is a necessity in all studies, but without it, the student can quickly become lost in the particular subject. One has to strive to concentrate and listen to instructions, follow along with the information provided and differentiate between key ideas.

Developing a student’s oral communication skills is also a vital part of ensuring a student’s success. We strive to break down the language barriers and anxiety present when learning a new language. We aim to have the student become comfortable in English and use it in all phases of the day, and not just during lessons.

Achieving success in our bilingual system is not easy. It requires a commitment from all: teachers and students. The teachers at ASPECT work together to create friendly environment where every child is comfortable and stimulated to do his/her best. The students need to be committed to working on their skills: reading, writing, thinking critically and developing their ability to communicate in a second language. Working together, success is an achievable goal, but it takes commitment from all those involved.

Curtis Harris
ASPECT English Teacher

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